Introduction to the Saturday Film Discussion Group - Please Join!
This is a blog designed to promote the Saturday Film Discussion Group. We were formed in March of 2018. We are about to start our fourth year or "season." We were originally based in Southwestern Ohio with a lot of our members being from the Milford / Miami Township area. However, we now meet via Zoom. Therefore, the group is really open to a much wider swath of participants. We usually have between five and seven participants in our meetings and would certainly welcome a few more. Let us know if you are interested! We meet on the third Saturday of each month at 1 p.m. Meetings usually last around 2 hours. You don't have to feel like you have to come to every meeting to be involved in the group. Some people only come occasionally. Some, no doubt, base their attendance on which film we are discussing in a particular month. The film group works very much like a book club. We meet once a month to discuss one specific pre-determined film...